Time Flys Tuesday :: Take Breaks

Schedule breaks throughout your day. Think past web surfing at your office computer as a break. When worked at a company office, I never understood why people ate their lunch at their desk EVERYDAY. I really enjoyed the book “Never Eat Alone.” This book...

Time Flys Tuesday :: Checklists

I like checklists. It especially feels great to check that item off the list. I feel accomplished for the task that I just completed. The best thing to do is to write down a smaller task, you’ll even feel more accomplished. An example of what I mean is instead...

Time Flys Tuesday :: Get Dressed Already!

Get Dressed Already We all have done it, work in our pajamas. This also goes for you those who work for an office and decided to work at their home office for the day. Especially, on a snowy day, who wants to get dressed, it’s so cozy to stay in front of the computer...

Time Flys Tuesday

Do you struggle keeping everything straight and finding the time for marketing? And now, “what’s this, I have to update my own website with new fresh content to either my home page or blog? Well, certainly, it’s worth every penny, but where am I going to find the...